On one of my Great Link Building Experiment posts, Armaan asked:

Thanks for that clarification…A lot of the “IM gurus” say that too many links pointing to your main site are harmful but I don’t think that Big G will ever penalize a site for “having too many links”. If that were so, I could easily point an army of links to take down my competitors! What are your thoughts on the same?

Also, I have a niche site that just keeps disappearing and then appearing in the SERPS…it’s been happening for over a year now and I have no clue…this site had UAW links pointing to it but I think the issue lies in “overusing” the anchor text….I think I need more of “Click Here” type of anchor text…any help on this?

As crazy as it sounds, yes, you can link spam your competitors page out of existence!  There are a couple of sites where people have done this as an experiment and it appears to work.  Here is how.

[click to continue…]


Thought you all might enjoy this giant list of generic blog comments and find it useful.

Someone apparently missed a setting on their WordPress comment spam tool and rather than posting a single comment line, they posted an entire list of about 100 generic comments here at the Electron Plumber.  Even better, they didn’t even leave a backlink in the URL field!

[click to continue…]


Ask The Plumber – January 2012

by on January 19, 2012

I received this “Ask The Plumber” question from Adrien the other day:

Hi Electron Plumber,

Your site is really full of REAL and HONEST advice. I simply love your site! Thanks for creating so much original, unique and wonderful content, especially the great link building service! [click to continue…]


Why Do I Still Have A Job?

December 1, 2011

I get a lot of comments here at the Electron Plumber, and every once in a while I get one that is worth writing a full article follow up on.  Today someone named Entrepreneur 1224 asked: Why would u still have a job if u are making numbers like this? I’m sorry but that’s very [...]

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Backlink Bombardment Experiment Week 3 Results

November 15, 2011

Time for a quick update on the Backlink Bombardment Experiment!  If you just joined on, I’m taking an existing site that has pretty much sat dormant for a year and using a couple of article backlinking services from The Great Link Building Service Experiment of 2011 on it. Now, I was planning on really BOMBARDING [...]

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Affiliate Site Analysis – Thisiswhyimbroke.com

November 1, 2011

A comment came in the other day on my article on Why Your Amazon Affiliate Site is Failing Miserably regarding the value of a certain Amazon affiliate website called Thisiswhyimbroke.com.   I’m a big fan of the site for the most part (wish I’d thought of it first!), having come across an ad for it [...]

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Hey, Potpiegirl was Here! Affiliate Cookies Are Great.

October 31, 2011

It’s always nice to see that my stuff is actually being read by people.  I frequently look at my traffic statistics to see how people are arriving here at the Electron Plumber and where they came from, but other than that I can’t actually tell *who* was here. I’ve always wondered if any of the [...]

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The Backlink Bombardment Experiment Begins!

October 24, 2011

My last SEO experiment was wildly successful on a number of levels.  I’ve held the top position in Google for a keyword I thought was going to be much harder to rank for over two months now and now hold position 2 and 3 as well!  The sites are now more than paying the bill [...]

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Google Panda 2.5 Update – Link Building Service Sites Went Up!

October 20, 2011

FYI, just a quick update on the sites in the Great Link Building Service Experiment that I started back in February this year. The official experiment is over, and other than tossing some Adsense on one of the sites and putting some backlinks on the lower sites back to some of my other sites, I [...]

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How To Make Thousands of Dollars Overnight!

October 11, 2011

I keep seeing pitches like this filling my spam email account I use to sign up for “free” reports and trials and ads all over the internet about how a Mom makes $6000+ a month “posting links” for Google. Sometimes they say $1,000, sometimes $10,000, sometimes it’s overnight, sometimes it’s 14 days.  In any event, [...]

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